Project Details
Starting in 2021, Symbiosis continues to be an inquiry and experiment into whether Margo can care for mosses in different growing situations. What is the balance she needs to provide for them to thrive? How adaptive can she be in meeting their needs? Can she be attentive enough? How are human and plant life connected? Can art-making and art works contribute to our understanding of nature today?
Mosses collected in abandoned urban sites were placed on limestone boulders outside in the fall, then moved inside at the beginning of the winter. During the winter months the mosses were in a greenhouse set up in Margo’s studio with timers to control light and frequent water misting. Cruder systems, consisting of waste food trays with gravel and moss wrapped in plastic bags, were also placed on the studio’s window sills. Surprisingly, the moss grew better next to the windows glass panes rather than with the sophisticated growing system she had started with.
Margo took pbotographs at all points in the mosses care. Recent works include large composite images made from xeroxed photographs of moss and rock combined with drawings made with black walnut ink she has made.
All photographs taken by Deborah Margo. Final image kindly edited by Michael Schreier.