Installation Details

From the exhibition Habiter, une poignée de terre à la fois, curated by Laura Demers, at La maison des artistes, St Boniface/Winnipeg, July 6 to September 2, 2023, with Laura St.Pierre, Katherine Boyer, Deborah Margo, Anna Binta Diallo and Rhayne Vermette

Margo’s work consisted two parts: inside were two salt lick sculptures formed in Ottawa prior to the exhibition; outside was the installation Un jardin de sel invite les pissenlits/A Garden of Salt Invites the Dandelions, consisting of salt licks acquired from feed stores in Winnipeg, in a range of colours. Over the course of the exhibition the outdoor salt licks were sculpted by the weather.

At the end of the exhibition, all of the salt lick sculptures were given as gifts to individuals Margo had met during her time in Winnipeg.

Exhibition text: https://maisondesartistes.mb.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/web-publication-EN.pdf